Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter...

Happy belated Easter.  We had a packed weekend.  Visited the Hubbs family on Friday, a local Easter party at a 'museum-ish place' on Saturday then my parents on Sunday.  It was great.  I love that E is getting into it now. She was \SO excited, hunting for eggs at the ILs.  Also my BFF took a bunch of pictures and they're beautiful!  Here are some...

 SCARY Bunny!  But she was ok and actually wanted to go back a second time just to see the bunny.  It was pretty adorable.

So I'm back to work tomorrow...I'm not nervous but I feel like I'm headed to prison.  Extreme I know but, it was easier last time because I was pregnant and my days were numbered. Now it's going to be for 30+ years!  Life as I know it is going to change forever. Send me good vibes. I'm going to miss my babies.


Julie said...

Good luck in your first day back to work! The weather sucks, but at least we don't have to worry about going back to work with beautiful weather outside. :) Have a great day!

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