I have been on a mission for the past two months or so to get rid of my black heads! It's like one day I realized how bad they were on my nose and they have been mocking me since then. I tried a professional facial, that did zip. I bought expensive Vichy cleanser and moisturizer, also did zip. I bought glycolic acid cleanser, you guessed it, zip. I tried scrubs, made my nose smoother but, nothing for black heads. I even did my own at home spa facial. Steam, two masks, scrub, biore strip more steam and ZIP. I can't even squeeze them out. I bought that fancy little black head tool.
I wanted to try the new Neutrogena numbered cleansers. I did the online 'quiz' and although I couldn't find them in the store, the cleanser it suggested was benzoyl peroxide. So I got the clean and clear benzoyl cleanser. Nice. Feels cool after kind of minty fresh on your face. But, for black heads, zip.
SOOOOO on to the winner. I read some online reviews about the clean and clear black head eraser.
I debated trying the neutrogena wave and but I thought since my problem is mostly my nose this might be a better size. So I bought it. It comes with the battery and some cleansing pads. The pads have salisycylic acid. Which I was skeptical about, I've tried it many many times. Anyhow to the meat.... the first time I used it. I thought it felt like it wasn't doing anything. It tickled my nose but it wasn't super uncomfortable. I looked in the mirror and believe it or not I thought I saw a difference mid use! Wow. Could it be? I used my glycolic toner and actually saw a little colour on the pad. What?? ok so I'm impressed but still blackheads. But after one use a difference? Not bad. Next night. Again a difference even less blackheads.
I have never been black head free EVER. I have only used it twice now but I'm actually excited to see if I can get rid of them almost all together. I wish I'd taken a before and after to show you. But if you're in the market for a reasonably priced option try the benzoyl peroxide and this little gadget and maybe you'll have the same results. I feel like I should be getting something free for this lol. But really I'm just so happy something actually works. Kind of sad that's unusual now a days.
Let me know if you try it and it works for you.
I don;t have blackheads, but I'm seriously getting pimples for some reason.. I usually just clean and clear. =) Nice review
I noticed you commented on another yo gabba giveaway - I have one going on over at my blog too if you'd like to enter!
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