Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 7 operation DS and of course GIVEAWAYS!

Weight to lose: 14lbs
Exercise: 20 minute intervals on treadmill

So I did work out today.  That makes five days like I'd wanted.  I didn't do the extra 20 minutes after the intervals but we had a skype call with my inlaws so I had to cut it short.  I'm 'up' a pound but I suspect that will change even if just a bit.  We had wings last night, they're my FAVE cheat.  I'm sure I'm retaining water.  I'm happy with my exercise for the week.

I seriously think I might lose my mind if I have to watch Toy Story one or two again lol.   Isn't it funny how kids fixate on movies.  First it was Bolt, then Nemo then Shrek (which wasn't so bad) and now anything Toy Story.  Terrible twos are here so anything that keeps her happy I'm willing to do.  When we get more snow we can go out and play.

Giveaways!  Here are the giveaways I've entered today:

* Cool Canucks blog is giving away a bottle of White Sands ER (emergency repair) hair treatment.  It looks so indulgent.  I would love to try it.  My hair is so dry lately. Kids'll do that to ya.

* Rave and review is giving away a  T3 Bespoke feather weight hair dryer + extras! Value $200
My hair dryer is cracking and has seen MUCH better days.  I would love to win this.

* Rave and review is also giving away an Oreck XL Halo UV vaccum!  This is more than your typical vacuum, it has a UV light that kills bacteria WHILE you vaccum.  A dream for moms with young kids crawling or kids with allergies.

* The B keeps us honest is giving THREE winners a set of Eco Tools by Alicia Silverstone.  They are so pretty, check it out.

* Lucky Canucks is giving away a set of peach to pink pearl earrings.  They are beautiful!  


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