Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A real hero...

I came across this story on facebook.  I verified it's true.  Thank God for people like this man.  It makes me so happy there are people like him fighting for the right....  Here is the story.

John Gebhardt's wife, Mindy, said that this little girl's entire family was executed. The insurgents intended to execute the little girl also, and shot her in the head...but they failed to kill her. She was cared for in John's hospital and is healing up, but continues to cry and moan. The nurses said John is the only one who seems to calm her down, so John has spent the last four nights holding her while they both slept in that chair. The girl is coming along with her healing. He is a real Star of the war, and represents what America is trying to do.This, my friends, is worth sharing. Go for it!! You'll never see things like this in the news. Please keep this going. Nothing will happen if you don't, but the Canadian and American public needs to see pictures like this and needs to realize that what we're doing over there is making a difference.. Even if it is just one little girl at a time. James Gates U. S. Navy


So I'd LOVE to win Jake a pair of Eleven shoes. He's just starting to get close to walking and I think it's SO important to have good shoes.  Eleven shoes are stylish and adorable! Seeryus Mama is having a giveaway. Check it out.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The law of positivity?

I've had a rough past few months.  My best friend has been going through an incredibly rough time and it finally seeped into my life.  You can't save someone that doesn't want to save themselves no matter how much you try.  Long story short,  I decided to part ways with her this weekend :(  It was one of the hardest things I've had to do in a long time but, I felt I had no choice.  She's in a bad place and she doesn't see the destruction she carries with her.

Ive been so down lately.  Going back to work has been hard, I'm not doing my job I was doing before I got pregnant (not by choice). I've been assigned somewhere else and it's SO not fufilling. I worked hard to get my career.  Hopefully once the summer is over I'll be able to get back to it but the uncertainty is stressing me out.  I let that bleed into my home life too much.  I come home miserable and stressed out and my poor Hubs has taken the brunt of it.  Anyone who is married knows it's not all sunshine and rainbows.  Add two kids 2 and 1 years and it's just work after work after work.  It's easy to get overwhelmed.

I had a visit from an old high school friend last night to cheer me up and it made all my stress just go away for a night. Trust me, with the funk I've been in that's no small feat.  It made me realize that you have to surround yourself with the right people.   As much as it breaks my heart to say good bye to my friend I can only hope one day she is able to find what she needs to get back on track and maybe one day we will talk, but until then I have to remove myself.

I know I'm being general here and partly because I don't want it to be about her but more about positivity and moving forward.  It's so easy to slip into darkness and sometimes you dont even realize you're there til someone turns on the light.   I'm going to try to pay it forward and hopefully I can help someone else see there is positive things and help them look forward too.

Monday, April 19, 2010

J's 1st Birthday!!!

Well as promised I have lots of photos to share.  Poor J was so sick, both kids have a nasty cold that is just hanging on forever.  He slept through some of his party and was miserable for parts of the rest.  Got some good photos though...I really need to fix the ISO on my camera grrrr....

E helping to make the cupcakes the night before the party....
The leaf thing didn't work like I had pictured. The icing was WAY too soft. I made butter cream from scratch :D  They look pretty good though, kind of like grass or a bush. 
The finished product with my toppers from Kanga Crafts on Etsy  love how it looks!
Goodie bags for the kids.  I may have gotten carried away with the candy. I've been known to have a sweet tooth :D.  Tags from Kanga Crafts for that fantastic personal touch!

The birthday boys chair.  With his highchair photo banner.  Photos from the first year. I'm going to keep this as a keepsake.  double duty!  I may even use it again next year with a new one and keep adding to it.  Also from Kanga Crafts

.A closer pic.
The customized photo banner. It says Jake is one, there is a letter on each photo.  Also from Kanga Crafts .
Poor guy was so sick.  He wasn't even interested in the cupcake.  He's taking forever to get accustomed to solids anyhow.  You can tell how miserable he was....a big difference from his sister on her first...
Thanks for looking :D

Monday, April 12, 2010

Working Girl... Not that kind but you know

Work work work!  This is my second week back and boy is it tiring!  That sounds like a bad stand up joke :D  My Mom is watching the kids. Thank goodness for her.  They get to stay home and she comes here.  We are SO blessed.  She's a real trooper watching my 2yr old and 1yr old and my niece who's 18 months.  Id rather work!  Not much else going on.  I'm throwing a birthday party for J on Sunday. I have so many great ideas.  Here is the cupcakes Im going to make...minus the animals.

I have toppers from Kanga Crafts on Etsy that I'm so excited to use.  I also ordered a photo banner and highchair banner.  I'm excited!

I'll definitely post pictures next week.  I think I'm down to one post per week.  but I'll make sure there are lots of pics :D


*So many great giveaways.  Piece of Me blog is giving away a pair of See Kai Run shoes for kids.  They are such well made shoes and that is so SUPER important.  I bought cheap shoes for E last summer and the poor kid had blisters so bad. I learned how important good shoes are for that and for their growing/developing feet. 

* Mom's best bets blog is giving away a jar of Perricone MD's cold plasma cream.  I would LOVE to get my hands on this stuff. I have recently become obsessed with my pores and now I've come to notice all my wrinkles.  I feel so old lol.  That and the bags under my eyes all the time.  This stuff looks like it would really help.

Moms best bets is also giving away a Fisher price kids digital camera!  Finally E could have her own and leave mine alone.  The fingerprints are driving me nuts lol.  This blog has tons of great giveaways and is quickly becoming a fave.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter...

Happy belated Easter.  We had a packed weekend.  Visited the Hubbs family on Friday, a local Easter party at a 'museum-ish place' on Saturday then my parents on Sunday.  It was great.  I love that E is getting into it now. She was \SO excited, hunting for eggs at the ILs.  Also my BFF took a bunch of pictures and they're beautiful!  Here are some...

 SCARY Bunny!  But she was ok and actually wanted to go back a second time just to see the bunny.  It was pretty adorable.

So I'm back to work tomorrow...I'm not nervous but I feel like I'm headed to prison.  Extreme I know but, it was easier last time because I was pregnant and my days were numbered. Now it's going to be for 30+ years!  Life as I know it is going to change forever. Send me good vibes. I'm going to miss my babies.