Was E's birthday a little while back. I can't believe how big she's getting! This year she wanted a Spiderman birthday. I LOVED doing that theme. First of all there is just so much Spiderman stuff out there it was really easy to find things. Also blue and red are the easiest colours to find for decorations.
The party was a success! We had all of our family over on both sides minus my brother's family out west and it was a bit of a crowd but worth it. Thanks again to Landa of Kangacrafts for the photo banner. It's my favourite yet and a fun keep sake, I've been collecting them.
We decorated cookies with spiderman colours. The cookie cutter shapes of spiders and webs didn't work out so well. the sugar cookies just turned them into circles anyhow. It was fun, not sure how I thought they'd not eat them before dinner lol but oh well, it is a party,
Some photos....
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
We had the most fantastic Thanksgiving this year. I love seeing my kids interact with each other, my family and their environment. We went to a local apple/pumpkin farm with a petting zoo and play area and the kids had a blast.
Lately I've been so bummed lately that my kids are going to get big so fast and I'll never get these days back. They're so freakin' adorable right now I'm not looking forward to the days they don't want to talk to me or are embarrassed of mom :( Oh well, part of the game I suppose. I'm going to enjoy every minute of it now.
Lately I've been so bummed lately that my kids are going to get big so fast and I'll never get these days back. They're so freakin' adorable right now I'm not looking forward to the days they don't want to talk to me or are embarrassed of mom :( Oh well, part of the game I suppose. I'm going to enjoy every minute of it now.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Big girl bed time!
So E's in her big girl bed now. She was just so super cramped it was time. After a little mistake about what size mattress we needed (ugh) AND trying to figure out how to convert her crib to a bed. Don't even get me started, this company basically sells you a generic bedrail set and makes you drill your own holes and get bolts. Um yeah that's not exactly convertible..that's a DIY dude.
Anyhow so now she needed new bedding. YAY! Her room is painted like this...
Her old bedding is on the chair there. So naturally I think brown and pink. I want something that will be good for more than just a 'little girl' room. So after lots and lots of looking this is what I decided on.
Adorable right?? I'm so excited to receive it. Jake won't even use it for another half a year or more probably. The kid isn't even eating solids more than baby food or walking *sigh* . But I digress...
The only thing I am now desperately in search of is some sort of space saving chair we can both sit in nice and cozy and read books. Enter Gorilla bags. I ran across these in a giveaway on Survey Junkie and it's a perfect fit!!! I've entered to win and you can too until Oct 9th. US only. (I'm willing to drive down :D)
My favourite is the brown passion suede 5ft.
Anyhow so now she needed new bedding. YAY! Her room is painted like this...
Her old bedding is on the chair there. So naturally I think brown and pink. I want something that will be good for more than just a 'little girl' room. So after lots and lots of looking this is what I decided on.
I am SO in love. It's by dwellstudio. As a matter of fact I HAD to get some for Jake too. This is his room
Just the one wall is like this and the others are the lighter blue. So the bedding I got from dwellstudio for him...Adorable right?? I'm so excited to receive it. Jake won't even use it for another half a year or more probably. The kid isn't even eating solids more than baby food or walking *sigh* . But I digress...
The only thing I am now desperately in search of is some sort of space saving chair we can both sit in nice and cozy and read books. Enter Gorilla bags. I ran across these in a giveaway on Survey Junkie and it's a perfect fit!!! I've entered to win and you can too until Oct 9th. US only. (I'm willing to drive down :D)
My favourite is the brown passion suede 5ft.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
It's always sad when a 'professional' disappoints
So we had family photos done by a photographer who was selling a discounted sitting fee at a home show in the Spring. And when I say family, I mean my little family and my whole extended family. My sister and her two kids, my three brothers and one nephew and my parents. AND one of my brothers with his wife and son came out from Alberta.
SO, we show up and the 'studio' is in her shed, which is a good size and clean and furnished etc. No problems there but, it's hot as h*ll! Mid July and no air conditioning?? Not fun. To start she decided to quiet the kids all two and under by yelling EVERYONE BE QUIET! I'm seriously shocked that they didn't start crying. So I'm already not happy but out of respect for my parents I zip it. So then we're taking photos and she is SOOOOOO slow to take a photo and uber picky that the kids can't possibly stay still and are crying and sweating and really really hot. Also my sister is two weeks post partum with a messy cesarean section, she was very uncomfortable to say the least.
Anyhow we took some outside after everyone had to go outside to cool off lol. So a few weeks later my parents go to view the photos at her studio and the experience is odd. The photos are washed out and all in black and white, she makes a big deal about putting them in colour. We all know it's a freakin' button now a days. Eventually they agree to buy A LOT so she'll put them on her website so my brother in Alberta can see them.
So I go to check them out online and they are so washed out I honestly can't even tell where my arm ends and the white background starts let alone facial expressions. The kids faces are all crying...which SHE offered to photo shop in their faces from another photo. And the large family ones are so pixilated I can't even make the facial expressions. So we send her some less than happy emails and she fixes the washout. Only to find out the outside photos have been photoshopped using an inside photo and put outside then manipulated to fit the location. And my brothers faces are all distorted. I mean like almost Goonies monster distorted. Give me a break. By now I was actually laughing.
I can't even begin to go through all the other small things I had problems with but if anyone happens to be in the GTA avoid 'As it happens photography' in Mississauga. I refuse to pay for any of the photos even though my kids ones turned out great. I'm so angry she stole the opportunity for us to have photos with my brothers family when they were down from Alberta and I WILL be posting negative reviews on all photography sites I can find. I would be mortified if she was my wedding photographer and I want to save some other family from the disappointment. Sometimes it boggles my mind how some people work so hard not to do the job they present themselves to do. Pathetic!
And some photos just cause :D
SO, we show up and the 'studio' is in her shed, which is a good size and clean and furnished etc. No problems there but, it's hot as h*ll! Mid July and no air conditioning?? Not fun. To start she decided to quiet the kids all two and under by yelling EVERYONE BE QUIET! I'm seriously shocked that they didn't start crying. So I'm already not happy but out of respect for my parents I zip it. So then we're taking photos and she is SOOOOOO slow to take a photo and uber picky that the kids can't possibly stay still and are crying and sweating and really really hot. Also my sister is two weeks post partum with a messy cesarean section, she was very uncomfortable to say the least.
Anyhow we took some outside after everyone had to go outside to cool off lol. So a few weeks later my parents go to view the photos at her studio and the experience is odd. The photos are washed out and all in black and white, she makes a big deal about putting them in colour. We all know it's a freakin' button now a days. Eventually they agree to buy A LOT so she'll put them on her website so my brother in Alberta can see them.
So I go to check them out online and they are so washed out I honestly can't even tell where my arm ends and the white background starts let alone facial expressions. The kids faces are all crying...which SHE offered to photo shop in their faces from another photo. And the large family ones are so pixilated I can't even make the facial expressions. So we send her some less than happy emails and she fixes the washout. Only to find out the outside photos have been photoshopped using an inside photo and put outside then manipulated to fit the location. And my brothers faces are all distorted. I mean like almost Goonies monster distorted. Give me a break. By now I was actually laughing.
I can't even begin to go through all the other small things I had problems with but if anyone happens to be in the GTA avoid 'As it happens photography' in Mississauga. I refuse to pay for any of the photos even though my kids ones turned out great. I'm so angry she stole the opportunity for us to have photos with my brothers family when they were down from Alberta and I WILL be posting negative reviews on all photography sites I can find. I would be mortified if she was my wedding photographer and I want to save some other family from the disappointment. Sometimes it boggles my mind how some people work so hard not to do the job they present themselves to do. Pathetic!
And some photos just cause :D
as it happens,
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Bring on the vacay!!!!
I SOOOO needed this week off. I had a week off a couple of weeks ago but the hubbs was working and with the kids it was really just more work that work :D He's off this week and I'm thrilled.
We have plans to catch up on lots of chores around the house in and out. I weeded my backyard garden and got FIVE yard waste bags to add to the two from out front! My garden is huge but that's a project for next spring. We'll be painting/staining the deck and doing paint touch ups, weeding the lawn and the driveway (annoying).
But best of all we'll be making trips to the splash pad and to a place called ZOOZ in Niagara Falls.
We went to story book gardens with the inlaws. It was fun, pretty low key. Got some good photos to share :D
We have plans to catch up on lots of chores around the house in and out. I weeded my backyard garden and got FIVE yard waste bags to add to the two from out front! My garden is huge but that's a project for next spring. We'll be painting/staining the deck and doing paint touch ups, weeding the lawn and the driveway (annoying).
But best of all we'll be making trips to the splash pad and to a place called ZOOZ in Niagara Falls.
We went to story book gardens with the inlaws. It was fun, pretty low key. Got some good photos to share :D
* Leslie loves veggies is giving away a soft serve icecream machine from CSN stores. This thing holds sprinkles...are you kidding me?? Sprinkles! Wait maybe I shouldn't enter this giveaway. Oh well I'll let fate decide if I need to do more cardio :D Ends August 12th and is open to the US and Canada.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Special delivery from Alberta
So my brother and his wife and son are visiting this week from Alberta. SO! exciting. We don't get to see them much for obvious reasons. This is only the second time (week visit) I've gotten to see my nephew. It's so cool to see him play with J now that they're both a bit older. He was only 7 months when he was here last.
J is wearing his cousins glasses and clearly not used to how it feels.
*Cartoon lovin' Mama is giving away a kung zhu pet package. My kids have never had a zhu zhu pet but I KNOW this is something that they'd love. My daughter is nutty for animals and loves track toys. Enter now it ends on July 26th.
J is wearing his cousins glasses and clearly not used to how it feels.
*Cartoon lovin' Mama is giving away a kung zhu pet package. My kids have never had a zhu zhu pet but I KNOW this is something that they'd love. My daughter is nutty for animals and loves track toys. Enter now it ends on July 26th.
Friday, July 9, 2010
He's here!
The newest addition to the family.... my new nephew! He's absolutely adorable and I haven't gotten to hold him yet but I can't wait. Meet H...
I think he looks like my son in the eyes and nose....which is my side of the family... and his mom which is my sister.... for comparison...J
I think he looks like my son in the eyes and nose....which is my side of the family... and his mom which is my sister.... for comparison...J
Sunday, July 4, 2010
long time no typey.....
I have been so busy! I can't even remember the last time I worked out, or blogged. I even skipped entering blog giveaways for two weeks :O I haven't done that since I began last Christmas! I've been working 15hour days for the past bit and it's been hectic. My poor Hubbs has been taking care of the kids at night by himself because I had to stay out of town. As tiring as working was, it was a nice break to only have to look after myself. Get home get dinner, have a drink and crash when I needed to. I even painted my toe nails lol.
So yesterday we took E and J to the zoo/safari to make up for some lost time. It was a BLAST. The kids loved it. It was a tad on the hot side but the water park totally made up for that and then some. I can't wait to take them back. E has a slight obsession with horses. So when we saw the pony ride we knew she'd love it. I'm not normally a worrier but with my kids it's a whole other story.... when I realized she was hanging on all by herself with no assistance I about had a heart attack.... I should have taken a picture of my face lol.
My heat was so full! She's getting so grown up, I am so proud of her.
Some other photos of feeding the animals.
My brother is coming from Alberta to visit next week and we'll have much more of the fun day trips to come!
* Cocktails with Mom is giving away a Colby Snapp cam5000. It's a perfect size to fit in your bag on a trip. I wish we'd have had one like that for yesterday. We left our digital video camera at home because it was too big to carry easily. This cam we could have slipped in a pocket so easily and voila! Check it out. Closes July 12th.
So yesterday we took E and J to the zoo/safari to make up for some lost time. It was a BLAST. The kids loved it. It was a tad on the hot side but the water park totally made up for that and then some. I can't wait to take them back. E has a slight obsession with horses. So when we saw the pony ride we knew she'd love it. I'm not normally a worrier but with my kids it's a whole other story.... when I realized she was hanging on all by herself with no assistance I about had a heart attack.... I should have taken a picture of my face lol.
My heat was so full! She's getting so grown up, I am so proud of her.
Some other photos of feeding the animals.
My brother is coming from Alberta to visit next week and we'll have much more of the fun day trips to come!
* Cocktails with Mom is giving away a Colby Snapp cam5000. It's a perfect size to fit in your bag on a trip. I wish we'd have had one like that for yesterday. We left our digital video camera at home because it was too big to carry easily. This cam we could have slipped in a pocket so easily and voila! Check it out. Closes July 12th.
Friday, June 11, 2010
My little man looks like a little man now :D
J got his first haircut by Nana. He was suprisingly good. Not still but good. He looks so handsome!
of course this is the best shot I could get after :D. ADORABLE!!! If I do say so myself.
of course this is the best shot I could get after :D. ADORABLE!!! If I do say so myself.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Wordless wednesday
They enjoy the simplest things don't they? Think they'd want to play IN the sand? Nope, lets splash water on top after Mommy rinsed it. Gotta love em!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Looks like we skipped Spring!
So the past week has been 30+ degrees! Scorching! Poor kids and my poor Mom trying to keep them entertained. So I bought a blow up pool and a new climb structure to add to the play house and smaller slide we have. It's great. So much to do and the kids love it. I had no idea they could play so much and so long with one slide! You've got to love kids for that. It's like they don't even notice the heat.
Playing in the yard...
* Before I got pregnant I always used to wear my baby G watch. With all the swelling I stopped. BUT I came across the newest version. The Mini G shock watch. I am in LOVE with the white with pink face. I came across it on the blog Guessing all the way and she's giving one away! Head over and enter, ends May 30th.
Playing in the yard...
* Before I got pregnant I always used to wear my baby G watch. With all the swelling I stopped. BUT I came across the newest version. The Mini G shock watch. I am in LOVE with the white with pink face. I came across it on the blog Guessing all the way and she's giving one away! Head over and enter, ends May 30th.
Monday, May 24, 2010
*Exhale* :D
Awesome, awesome, awesome weekend! Man it's been a long time. Got all the things done I needed to, spent time with family and old friends, the kids let me sleep in!!! Does it get better?
For the holiday Monday we went to a local park and E played and played on the huge playground and we waded in the stream. It was the closest thing to perfect.
My friend is doing better. It's amazing how friends and family come together in times of trouble. Makes me realize how lucky I am. I feel like I've never been happier and it's only going to get better : D Sending out the positive vibes.....I feel like just thinking positive has made such a huge difference for me, I challenge you to try it!
Some photos from our long weekend...
For the holiday Monday we went to a local park and E played and played on the huge playground and we waded in the stream. It was the closest thing to perfect.
My friend is doing better. It's amazing how friends and family come together in times of trouble. Makes me realize how lucky I am. I feel like I've never been happier and it's only going to get better : D Sending out the positive vibes.....I feel like just thinking positive has made such a huge difference for me, I challenge you to try it!
Some photos from our long weekend...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I love my life!
My kids are awesome! I'm finally getting settled in with work after my mat leave. And I've been able to spend some time with my sick friend. Although it's rocky I don't take any time for granted. Got to hang out with the kiddos on Mother's day and realized what a lucky lady I am :D.
I won't be able to post much for a bit. With work and kids and hospital visits I'm pretty busy but I'll try to post photos if I can.
I won't be able to post much for a bit. With work and kids and hospital visits I'm pretty busy but I'll try to post photos if I can.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Anything can happen
A more serious post today. I found out one of my highschool girl friends who is also my aunt (after highschool and a long story lol but not as gross as it sounds) is very sick. She had a stroke at 33 years. She's in the hospital and waiting on an MRI and it only reminds me how quickly things can change and how precious life is. Hug your families tight and say a prayer for my friend if you have a moment.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Backyard fun...
My kiddos love to play in the backyard. We have a tiny slide/climb tower that E goes up and down...no joke...at least 100 times a day. She loves to stand by the compost (like in the pic) and wait for you to say 1-2-3 GO! and run down the mini hill. Such a small yard yet kids find a way to make the most of it. J is just happy to crawl around and rip grass out of the ground :D
I'd love to win the Hearthsong Giant Outdoor Ball from Lollidots. We'd have to take it to Nana and Grandads or a park but wow would they ever have a blast! Giveaway ends May 10

I'd love to win the Hearthsong Giant Outdoor Ball from Lollidots. We'd have to take it to Nana and Grandads or a park but wow would they ever have a blast! Giveaway ends May 10

Sunday, May 2, 2010
It's coming, it's really coming....
Summer!!! The air was so humid today it was a sneak peak of summer! All we need is a good thunderstorm to start it off. We went for a long walk this weekend and spent some quality time with the fam. I've been trying to be more positive and I feel like it's really making a difference. The positive feelings last instead of being short lived. I no longer feel overwhelmed by chores or life in general. The walk didn't feel like an obligation or scheduled it was just as much time as we wanted to take doing what we wanted to do...which for some time was searching for ants and naming them :D It's the little things....

* Northern Mama is giving one Canadian reader a YEARS SUPPLY of Sunlight Green Cleaner. An environmentally friendly laundry detergent. I'll tell ya with a one year old and a two year old playing in the grass all day this would be a lifesaver! Head over and enter. Ends May 6th.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
A real hero...
I came across this story on facebook. I verified it's true. Thank God for people like this man. It makes me so happy there are people like him fighting for the right.... Here is the story.
John Gebhardt's wife, Mindy, said that this little girl's entire family was executed. The insurgents intended to execute the little girl also, and shot her in the head...but they failed to kill her. She was cared for in John's hospital and is healing up, but continues to cry and moan. The nurses said John is the only one who seems to calm her down, so John has spent the last four nights holding her while they both slept in that chair. The girl is coming along with her healing. He is a real Star of the war, and represents what America is trying to do.This, my friends, is worth sharing. Go for it!! You'll never see things like this in the news. Please keep this going. Nothing will happen if you don't, but the Canadian and American public needs to see pictures like this and needs to realize that what we're doing over there is making a difference.. Even if it is just one little girl at a time. James Gates U. S. Navy
So I'd LOVE to win Jake a pair of Eleven shoes. He's just starting to get close to walking and I think it's SO important to have good shoes. Eleven shoes are stylish and adorable! Seeryus Mama is having a giveaway. Check it out.
eleven shoes,
John gebhardt,
Sunday, April 25, 2010
The law of positivity?
I've had a rough past few months. My best friend has been going through an incredibly rough time and it finally seeped into my life. You can't save someone that doesn't want to save themselves no matter how much you try. Long story short, I decided to part ways with her this weekend :( It was one of the hardest things I've had to do in a long time but, I felt I had no choice. She's in a bad place and she doesn't see the destruction she carries with her.
Ive been so down lately. Going back to work has been hard, I'm not doing my job I was doing before I got pregnant (not by choice). I've been assigned somewhere else and it's SO not fufilling. I worked hard to get my career. Hopefully once the summer is over I'll be able to get back to it but the uncertainty is stressing me out. I let that bleed into my home life too much. I come home miserable and stressed out and my poor Hubs has taken the brunt of it. Anyone who is married knows it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Add two kids 2 and 1 years and it's just work after work after work. It's easy to get overwhelmed.
I had a visit from an old high school friend last night to cheer me up and it made all my stress just go away for a night. Trust me, with the funk I've been in that's no small feat. It made me realize that you have to surround yourself with the right people. As much as it breaks my heart to say good bye to my friend I can only hope one day she is able to find what she needs to get back on track and maybe one day we will talk, but until then I have to remove myself.
I know I'm being general here and partly because I don't want it to be about her but more about positivity and moving forward. It's so easy to slip into darkness and sometimes you dont even realize you're there til someone turns on the light. I'm going to try to pay it forward and hopefully I can help someone else see there is positive things and help them look forward too.
Ive been so down lately. Going back to work has been hard, I'm not doing my job I was doing before I got pregnant (not by choice). I've been assigned somewhere else and it's SO not fufilling. I worked hard to get my career. Hopefully once the summer is over I'll be able to get back to it but the uncertainty is stressing me out. I let that bleed into my home life too much. I come home miserable and stressed out and my poor Hubs has taken the brunt of it. Anyone who is married knows it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Add two kids 2 and 1 years and it's just work after work after work. It's easy to get overwhelmed.
I had a visit from an old high school friend last night to cheer me up and it made all my stress just go away for a night. Trust me, with the funk I've been in that's no small feat. It made me realize that you have to surround yourself with the right people. As much as it breaks my heart to say good bye to my friend I can only hope one day she is able to find what she needs to get back on track and maybe one day we will talk, but until then I have to remove myself.
I know I'm being general here and partly because I don't want it to be about her but more about positivity and moving forward. It's so easy to slip into darkness and sometimes you dont even realize you're there til someone turns on the light. I'm going to try to pay it forward and hopefully I can help someone else see there is positive things and help them look forward too.
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